Monday, July 2, 2012

Masquerade, Blue Bloods Book 2

Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Publisher: Hyperion New York
Pages 218
Year: 2007

Masquerade begins with Schuyler Van Alan in Italy searching for her grandfather to get his help dealing with the Silver Bloods that are killing Blue Bloods back in New York. When she returns to New York, Schuyler has to prepare for the prestigious Four Hundred Ball - open only to Blue Bloods. And then there's the dealing with Jack and Mimi Force.

I liked this book better than the first one. The author spent a bit of time on the other characters so we got a lot of character development all the way around. I'm not dying to rush out and buy the series or cancel all plans just so I can read these books but I am curious to see how the author develops the characters and where the story goes which is good.


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