Friday, September 6, 2013


Author:  S.R. Johannes
Series:  Nature of Grace, Book 1
Year:  2011
Publisher:  Coleman & Stott
Pages:  305

Goodreads Description:
16-year-old Grace has lived in the Smokies all her life, patrolling with her forest ranger father who taught her about wildlife, tracking, and wilderness survival.

When her dad goes missing on a routine patrol, Grace refuses to believe he’s dead and fights the town authorities, tribal officials, and nature to find him.
One day, while out tracking clues, Grace is rescued from danger by Mo, a hot guy with an intoxicating accent and a secret. As her feelings between him and her ex-boyfriend get muddled, Grace travels deep into the wilderness to escape and find her father.

Along the way, Grace learns terrible secrets that sever relationships and lives. Soon she’s enmeshed in a web of conspiracy, deception, and murder. And it’s going to take a lot more than a compass and a motorcycle (named Lucifer) for this kick-butting heroine to save everything she loves.

This story is completely different than anything out there that I've read out there on the market right now. First it's about wilderness survival. Secondly, it's about a girl who's mostly concerned with finding her father, not falling in love (even when she manages to find a hot English boy in the Smokies). Grace is strong and smart and refuses to give up on finding her dad even when every person in her life is telling her she should back down and let her father go. I was really surprised at how much this story sucked me end. It was well written and very believable. I recommend anybody looking for a real adventure novel to check this one out.


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